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What is ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)?
What is ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)?
ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are passive and active safety systems designed to remove the human error component when operating vehicles of many types. ADAS systems use advanced technologies to assist the driver during driving, and thereby improve drivers’ performance. ADAS uses a combination of sensor technologies to perceive the world around the vehicle, and then either provide information to the driver or take action when necessary.
Innovative data acquisition applications and solutions for test & measurement DEWEsoft
Innovative data acquisition applications and solutions for test & measurement DEWEsoft
Dewesoft is a proven test and measurement market leader, and our instruments are used across multiple industries. We provide versatile and easy-to-use data acquisition (DAQ) solutions that are widely used for R&D, quality control, data monitoring, and production processes. Whether it's a car, space ship, power plant, a suspension bridge or the factory floor, Dewesoft DAQ is there.
Overview of DEWEsoft products
Overview of DEWEsoft products
Dewesoft is designing and manufacturing versatile and easy-to-use data acquisition hardware. Our data acquisition products are the ultimate tools for test and measurement engineers. When you invest in Dewesoft you invest in your future. Handmade in the EU and offered with an industry-leading 7-year warranty, free technical support, and free DAQ software.
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How to measure Torque?
How to measure Torque?
In this article, you will learn about signal processing in sufficient detail to: Understand what torque at the highest level is Learn how to measure torque See how torque measurement works in DAQ applications
What is Power Analysis and Electrical Power Measurement With Power Analyzer
What is Power Analysis and Electrical Power Measurement With Power Analyzer
In this article, we will look into what power analysis is and the tools that are used to perform it. In this article you will: See what electrical power really is Learn why we need power analysis and how it is calculated Understand how power analysis is measured by a power analyzer
Application of Non-Contact Temperature Camera
Application of Non-Contact Temperature Camera
Non-contact temperature measurement uses infrared cameras that measure temperature by zone / line (Infrared cameras PYROVIEW / Infrared line cameras PYROLINE) or use point temperature sensors (Pyrometers PYROSPOT)
What is Data Acquisition?
What is Data Acquisition?
Data acquisition (often abbreviated as DAQ or DAS) is the process of sampling signals that measure physical phenomena in the real world and convert them into digital form that can be manipulated using computers and software. Data collection is distinct from other forms of recording data into recorders or paper charts (data logger). The signals are converted from the analog domain to the digital domain and then written to digital media such as ROMs, flash media, or hard drives. Member
Application of Strain Gage
Application of Strain Gage
Strain gage (also known as Strain gauge) is a tension gauge sensor. Lord Kelvin discovered centuries ago that the resistance of a wire changes when it is stretched or compressed. Today's strain gauge is simply an electrical conductor arranged in a zigzag shape and attached to a flexible metal foil.
What is Accelerometer and Accelerometer Sensor?
What is Accelerometer and Accelerometer Sensor?
What is Accelerometer and Accelerometer Sensor? Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of an object changes relative to time (it is the derivative of the velocity vector in the form of a function of time a = dv / dt). It is the Net result of any and all forces acting on an object.